UsTrendy’s Trendsetters of the Week: Lauren Romano

Lauren Romano keeps it simply and casual. Her everyday outfits make her blog a great one to follow – anyone can relate! We love what she stands for – affordable, cute clothes as well as a positive role model. She promotes self acceptance and understands that no one is perfect. We love her uplifting spirits. She continues on with her strong character in making all her readers feel comfortable in their own skin. Even though she’s a bit more introvert, she isn’t shy on lending a hand in true friendship. Be sure to find out more about her below!

What made you get into blogging?

I started my blog in July of 2015 because I had a lot of extra time on my hands. I have always had a bit of a “shopping problem” and I figured it was time to put that “problem” to good use. I didn’t think Simply Lauren Rose would grow in the way that it has, but I’m SO thankful for the growth. It took a while to come up with a name for my blog but I wanted to incorporate my name and my middle name (Lauren Rose) somehow and I wanted to keep it “simple” so that’s where “Simply Lauren Rose” came from. I pride myself and my blog in sharing outfits and clothes that are attainable to the average person. YES, I dream of having a Gucci bag or a Louis Vuitton bag, but I’m trying to keep it realistic and share clothes and makeup that my followers would realistically buy.

We love your “Get Ready With Me” videos on YouTube – tell us about those/how made you get into video?

Honestly, I was hesitant to start making YouTube videos because of how shy I am. The reason that I started filming them is because I felt I could explain simple concepts easier in a video rather than a blog post. I also felt like it was a great way for my followers to get to know the real me. I was so candid and open about the makeup I used. I have made it a goal of mine to make sure that my followers know that I am NOT perfect by any means. I wanted to share my REAL life with them. I also have a passion for makeup and knew that YouTube videos would be a great outlet for sharing that passion.

How would you describe your own style?

I would say that my style is very basic or simple. I am ALL about those closet staples that will never go out of style like t-shirts, chunky sweaters, jeans, and cardigans. I also love a good casual look. On a daily basis (when I’m not working) I’ll wear jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers or sandals, depending on the weather.

Did you go to school for fashion?

I did not go to school for fashion.  I got my undergraduate degree in Communications and my Masters in Elementary Education.

 Hobbies? Other passions?

I LOVE photography. I’m not good at it by any means, but I love it so much. I also love to read in my spare time (which I don’t have much of lately!). And of course I love to shop!

 Have you always loved fashion?

Yes, I’ve definitely always loved fashion. I used to change my outfit AT LEAST 5 times a day when I was younger because one outfit just wouldn’t cut it. I would also always have a different bag with me and I was often called “the bag lady.” Now ask me if I’ve always had a good fashion sense, and that answer would be NO WAY. I’ve definitely worn questionable outfits but hey, you live and you learn, right?

 What do you hope readers take away from your blog?

Like I said earlier, I hope to share affordable clothing that my readers will actually want to buy. That’s not the only thing that I want my readers to take away from my blog though. I also strive to be a positive role in my reader’s’ lives. I try to share true events that happen in my life so that my readers feel like they can relate to me – even if I’ve had a bad day! NO ONE is perfect and I want my readers to know that it’s OK to be different, it’s OK to not be perfect, and it’s OK to have a bad day! We ALL have our problems and I hope that my readers feel safe and comfortable when they come to my blog.

 A trend you hope makes a come-back or never goes away?

A trend that I hope never goes away is the cold shoulder top. I recently have been loving cold shoulder sweaters. I think they’re a good mix between cozy and cute. I also love OTS (off the shoulder) tops and sweaters. They are so fun to work with and to style so I hope those trends never go away!

 Something your readers would be surprised to hear about you?

My readers would be surprised to hear that I’m actually a very shy person. People laugh at me when I say that because I share pictures of myself and insight in my life on the daily. It’s true though, I’m shy and I hate confrontation so I’ll often avoid it. Also, I value the friendships that I have and I take pride in that.

 Favorite quote?

“Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.”

I have this written on a sticky note next to my bed and I remind myself of this every morning and night!

Check out Lauren’s Blog
Check Out Lauren’s Instagram